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Judge McDaniel addresses COVID-19

Adam C. Brooks

COVID-19 Coronavirus

I am addressing the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic in an effort to assure all citizens of Hardin County that your County government has been and will continue to prepare for this disaster.

County, City and local health officials have participated in discussions, conference calls and meetings throughout the past weeks staying on top of this novel virus as new information is disseminated to us from State and Federal authorities, including from calls with The White House and Governor Abbott.

At this time, your Hardin County Government is continuing “business as usual”, along with some additional protective measures put in place in an effort to avoid the COVID-19 Coronavirus, such as: Screening of individuals prior to empaneling a jury, reducing the number of people to appear in Court for Docket Calls, and sanitizing commonly and frequently visited areas of the Courthouse multiple times each day with the proper disinfectants. Additional such protective measures will be implemented as necessary.

I am aware of the issuance of a disaster declaration by Jefferson County Judge Jeff Branick today. Judge Branick, Orange County Judge John Gothia and I participated in an impromptu discussion on this issue by phone a few hours ago. I understand the reasons why a disaster declaration is necessary in Jefferson County and fully support Judge Branick’s decision to issue this proclamation. Judge Gothia and I have determined that similar conditions do not exist in Orange and Hardin Counties at this time and, therefore, we do not anticipate declaring a disaster for either county in the near future. Of course, new information may dictate otherwise and we are prepared to proclaim a disaster immediately upon the need for such declaration.

In the meantime, I ask Hardin County citizens and visitors to Hardin County to remain vigilant. Stay up-to-date on this pandemic by following the Hardin County Emergency Management Facebook page, visiting the Hardin County Health Department Website and the website. Stay home if you are sick, cover coughs and sneezes, wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds with warm/hot water (or hand sanitizer with at least 65% alcohol), avoid close contact with others, and avoid crowds of 250 people or more.

If you or anyone you know in Hardin County suspects they are infected with COVID-19, please contact the Hardin County Health Department 24/7 at (409) 246-5188


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